What photo and video file formats can a guest upload?

GUESTPIX platform accepts the following file types to be uploaded:

  • JPG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • HEIC
  • WEBP
  • MPG
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • HEIF

Very rarely, we also see requests for DNG and RAW files. We are working to bring these into the platform in coming months.

Live photos from iOS devices:

When a live photo is uploaded, it is uploaded in the *.HEIC format. At this stage, we are only able to extract the highest quality "photo" version of the live photo (ie we can't get the 3 second video portion). This is something our engineering team is continuing to look at, but its proving to be challenging. In summary, when someone uploads a "live" photo, as the host, you will receive the full definition photo that the device selects as the best available photo from the live photo sequence.

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