How do I hide certain Albums from guests?
We understand that there are many different situations where you may want to hide certain Albums from your guests, while keeping others visible. For this reason, we provide three different privacy settings for hosts to choose from for each of their albums. All of the privacy settings are listed below:
Public: This album can be viewed by any guest with the Master QR code/ Magic link, or an adjacent album QR code.
Private: This album is only visible to a guest that has scanned this album QR code or used its Magic link. Other guests will not be able to see this album at all and will not know that it exists.
Protected: This album can be viewed by any guest with the parent QR code or an adjacent album QR code, but it will appear with a 'lock' symbol and will require a passcode to access. This passcode is set by the host of the account.
If you wish to hide certain Albums from your guests, you can navigate to “Your Event + Albums.” Select "Edit" then "Privacy" for the album(s) you wish to make private.
Under the “Privacy” tab, you can then change the Album from the default setting of “Public” to “Private” so the album is completely hidden, or “Protected” so that it appears with a lock overlay and requires a PIN to enter.